„Bucegi” Hotel
November 7, 2022„Gloria Buzău” Stadium
November 7, 2022English
The building was built between 1926-1927, with the famous pharmacist Sava Gerota from Buzău as owner. In its construction, a new technique was used for that time, composite concrete, with very strong metal reinforcements. The brick was only used for facades. From the beginning, it had the intended use of a hotel, and on the ground floor it had commercial spaces. Shortly before the Second World War, the building was in danger of being demolished, in its place the interwar authorities of Buzău intended to build a palace of culture. The war, however, stopped this intention. The communist authorities used this building as a library, district culture house and museum or as a commercial space. In order to widen the streets around the Communal Palace, the Coroana hotel building was proposed for demolition, as was the Moldavia Theatre, an equally impressive building nearby, but this plan was not materialized until after the 1977 earthquake. Unlike the theater building, which fell victim to this forced urbanization, Coroana Hotel building stubbornly resisted, despite all the efforts of those who put it to demolition. It is said that the walls of the building were shot at by army tanks, but its structure resisted and consequently the demolition was abandoned. Between the years 1949-1969, the „Alexandru Sahia” Literary Circle functioned on the second floor of the hotel, frequented by writers such as Ion Gherorghe, Ion Băieşu, Florentin Popescu, Gheorghe Istrate, Arthur Porumboiu, etc. Coroana Hotel is included in the List of Historical Monuments (BZ-II-m-B-02314).