„Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” National High School
November 10, 2022“Spiru Haret” National Pedagogical High School
November 11, 2022English
Originally established in 1919 as a Secondary school for girls, the institution carried out its activity in the premises of the Jewish school in Dobrogei street (currently Alexandru Marghiloman), later being moved to the premises of the current Secondary school no. 5 "Dionisie Romano" near the city's central market. At the initiative of the Minister of Education, Dr. Constantin Angelescu, the current headquarters was built on Independenţei Street (formerly Carol I Boulevard). Until 1948, the high school bore the name of its founder, Dr. Constantin Angelescu, after which it became Secondary School. In 1958 it became "Mihai Eminescu" High School, and in 2000 it received the title of National High School. Constantin Angelescu was born in 1869 in Craiova. He studied medicine in Paris. He worked as a surgeon in Bucharest, at Brâncovenesc Hospital, then at Filantropia Hospital, becoming a university professor (1903) and director of the Surgery Universit Clinic. He married Virginia Constantinescu-Monteoru, the daughter of the great businessman and politician of Buzău, Grigore Constantinescu-Monteoru, and became the owner of Sărata-Monteoru spa resort, some oil fields and real estate in Buzău area. From 1910 until the end of the interwar period, he was a deputy or senator in all legislatures. Between 1922-1928 and 1933-1937 he was the minister of public instruction, during which he carried out significant reforms in the sense of modernizing education in Romania, continuing those initiated in the previous century and at the beginning of the 20th century by his mentor and uncle-in-law, Spiru Haret. His motto was: "As much school as possible!" The best school! The most Romanian school!” The building of "Mihai Eminescu" National High School is included in the List of Historical Monuments (BZ-II-m-B-02334).